Category Archives: Travel



How was everyone’s first day of spring? I’m back in NY after what feels like a burst of back-to-back traveling but mentally, I’m still rocking this badass red swimsuit somewhere out in Mexico. Playing with shadows… jumping in the ocean…spending more time behind the lens than ever before. What more can a girl ask for? Every wild experience keeps me inspired to create and write and live and connect with you all. And we all know inspiration doesn’t always come easy after what feels like a long winter of hot toddy’s and oversized sweaters. Spring always gives me a rush of adrenaline and excitement. In with the new, out with the old…and not when it just comes to our closets. I’m excited for my new website (in the works), brand spankin’ new videos (subscribe now) and of course, Los Angeles (even for a few days for an upcoming shoot). Aaah, sunshine. Spring reminds me to take a little hop in my step and breathe a little more. Take more walks along the waterfront. Eat more fresh fruits. Spend more time with friends. Sing more. Take another dance class. Move more. Be inspired. I know, I know…my agenda is crazier than ever lately, and how could I do it all?! Sometimes I can’t even find the time to take that much-needed 1 hour pilates class. But I’m always working for that balance. I like that everyday feels different, especially when waking up in a new city. Tulum was a perfect getaway. I biked every single day. I lived in a bikini and loved the skin I was in, and embraced my body and it’s imperfections. No care in the world. Like I always say, imperfection is beauty. Say hello to spring!

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I’m finally onto the last day of PFW, and it’s certainly time to keep things a bit more simple before boarding my next flight. A clean, fresh striped shirt… jeans that hug in all the right places…and amazing suede booties. But something’s missing. Yes, a beret. A French staple. This past winter I’ve traded in my Russian hats and fluffy beanies for a classic beret. Easy, and oh, so chic. The key to Parisian style is making jeans, a beret, and shirt feel elegant. Especially for lunch at the extra elegant hotel, The Peninsula. But it wasn’t before long I hit the Parisian streets only to get stuck in the rain, without a map. I had to stop a Parisian to ask where on Earth I can turn to walk to the Tour de Eiffel. He showed me where, and recommended to take a second route…”the chic side of the street.” Perfect.

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