Growing up, my mother always taught me to hydrate my skin. She’d alway say “elbows and knees too!” I quickly knew that healthy beautiful skin started with lots of care, and the right products. Vaseline has been in my life forever. I trust their lotions to keep my super sensitive and delicate skin in tip-top shape and extra soft! Right now, I’m currently using the Vaseline® Intensive CareTM body lotion. Quickly, I could see results. Gearing up for the brutal NYC winters, I could feel my toes, heels, and hands getting extra dry. In just 5 days I could see amazing results. No more dry patches or irritated skin. Now, I lather this on in the mornings, and before I go to bed. Even when I’m traveling.
Category Archives: Beauty
The fragrance is available in all MJ/ MBMJ boutiques.