Monthly Archives: October 2010

Free People: The October Book is Here!

(Photographed by my sister, Dylana Suarez)

The October Free People catalog is here! I almost peed my pants when I saw myself on the cover! I couldn’t be happier and I’m so pleased with the results. Working with my sister Dylana Suarez, who photographed these shots, was a dream! I cannot thank her enough for making this happen! One of my favorite shoots ever. Beautiful clothes and an incredible team. Being able to style all the pieces also made the job a million times more fun! I hope you like it as much as I do!
If you didn’t receive one in the mail, just go to a store and pick one up! There are plenty to go around. And thank you all for the sweet comments, tweets, and everything in between. It means so much to me!

To shop the catalog, click HERE!

Also, to read my interview with Free People and see behind the scenes photographs/videos from the shoot, visit the Free People blog!

Old School

(Hudson Jeans, Vintage cardigan/ blouse/ bag, Cole Haan boots)

Right now I am really into the preppy, old school, Ivy League look. I always picture an array of cozy knits flashing the school colors along with large shoulder bags making their way across campus. Comfortable and practical. It has inspired me to take a bold red cashmere cardigan, flat boots, and a large satchel bag along with my favorite pair of Hudson Jeans to hit the streets of downtown. I religiously wear my Hudsons due to their perfect fit and massive amount of comfort. And finally, they have opened an e-commerce shop on their site! woot woot!
I’m quite happy with this slightly studious look I wore to a figure skating show featuring Michelle Kwan and Yuna Kim at the Staples Center! The rink made the whole arena extremely cold so I’m glad I brought a cardi. Now if only I had on my reading glasses…

Oh and remember the outfit I wore with my Naya shoes here? If you liked it, vote for me on the Naya Shoes Facebook page, one of my favorite eco-friendly shoe labels! By entering, you have a chance to win a pair of Naya’s! Thanks! I’ll love you forever!

I love…

Cable Knit sweaters. Overcast foggy weather. Lazy days. Ocean air. Messy Waves. See through Leopard. Bold red lips. Woven Cardigans. Everything I love for fall, photographed beautifully.

Black Pearl

(Cotton On cardigan, H&M top, vintage shorts and bag, Via Spiga shoes)

I stumbled upon the most perfect evening light not too far from my house, in between a church and a rustic old lot shaded by trees. My favorite time to take photos is just when the sun is setting and the light is filtering through in the background just right.
Lately, I’ve been inspired by the latest Spring ’11 shows, particularly Acne. Their dark sheer layers got the best of me. My buckle shoes look scary, and trust me, they can be. I actually fell down a small flight of stairs in them a while back, but I think I’m gaining control over these monsters. They are becoming my favorite pair to wear for work/castings/anytime I wanna feel super giant. I’m also a sucker for anything tailored and boyish…hence the man shorts, which will have to do until this heat wave passes. Crazy how the day it officially becomes Fall, it becomes way hotter than it was this whole Summer! I’m kind of entering a state of hibernation, refusing to go out in the heat unless I really really have to. Luckily, things cool down at night. Until Fall really starts to kick in, looks like winter coats, scarves, and all the things I want to be wearing, will be tucked away!

And here I am featured in Lou Lou magazine, based in Canada. Such a nice surprise and kind words. Thanks Lou Lou and much thanks to the lovely Pats for sending me the pic! xoxo