Category Archives: Fitness


In the fall and winter, I spend a lot more time in my workout gear. Fall for evening runs. Winter for the gym…my favorite place to keep warm during a snowstorm. Therefore, I am constantly on the hunt for absolutely killer workout gear. Meet NO KA’OI, a super chic workout line that pushed boundaries in their eclectic, unique design. And guess what?! Their new collection just launched at Barneys, my top destination in discovering elevated and  emerging brands. Tracksuits with a rainbow down the side?! Count me in. NOKA’OI does color blocking unlike anyone else out there. See why I’m so obsessed?

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As the year comes to a close, I’ve been so caught up with so much last-minute work and holiday travels that I’m dying to get my butt back in the gym. Luckily, I’ve got the Equinox All-Access pass and I’ll be out here at the one in Marina Del Rey to do a little pre-Christmas sweat when I’m away from my home gym in Dumbo, Brooklyn. I want to end the year strong, and begin it strong as well. It should never just be a New Year’s Resolution. It’s a little mental daily goal. A little sweat energizes me, gets my brain waves flowing, and gets me more excited for the day. Getting in a good sweat makes me feel even better putting on my outfit for the day. When my body is in sync and healthy, everything else in my life feels extra in sync as well. Work, relationships, and living in the moment. I even remember to take my vitamins and eat my veggies. It reminds me why I should love my body and the skin I’m in. I never want a workout to feel repetitive, so I’ve thrown in many Equinox classes into my mix to keep myself inspired with every single sweat.

– For my breath: Vinyasa Yoga. It’s what I need as a cool down after a good cardio workout.

– Flexibility and toning: Gold Barre Pilates. Most of the time, I’ll do pilates on a reformer, but like anything, I want to switch things up. Gold Barre Pilates is a combo of barre and pilates, but inspired by ice-skating and the Olympics, something I was super obsessed with growing up. It’s so fun you forget how intense every move is when you have a smile on your face.

-Strength training: MetCon3. This class is super high intensity metabolic training class. It’s a mix of weights and cardio. After this, you’re definitely ready for a hearty brunch with your best friends.

– Core: 30 minute abs. This intense and quick class is perfect in the evenings. It uses weights and is a completely innovative way in working your core to the max. Plus, you learn some really amazing moves you can do at home or on-the-go.


// Full look from SIX02 : Koral Activewear sports bra and leggings, Nike jacket, Nike leather sneakers //


// Outdoor Voices sports bra, legging, and hat + Saucony sneakers //



The brand new Equinox Dumbo location has that beautiful industrial feel that Dumbo is famous for and I’m so happy it’s joined the neighborhood! Clean and minimal with big open windows makes it the perfect place for me to clear my head and be in tune with my mind, body, and soul. First thing I do is turn off my phone and completely disconnect so that I have that one hour purely for myself. The amazing thing is the gym has everything you need when you’re craving that little energy boost. I’m assuming you guys haven’t gotten off your fitness kick from the New Year just yet? This year for me so far has been one finding out the workouts that I really love and finding my strength and balance. I travel so much for work that I have to schedule my workouts, plan classes, and everything else in-between. Equinox’s all access membership allows me to still travel the world for work, and still feel like I’m right at home getting in that daily sweat or stretch. I never focus exercise purely on body image because it’s an unhealthy way of motivation. I focus on the way exercising makes me feel. Pilates, dance, yoga! It’s more about feeling happy, focused, and energized in your own skin and that’s something I love Equinox represents. Pilates is my #1 and has worked wonders on my core, but I love to mix it up. Sometimes I’ll spend the morning solely in the stretch room…using resistance bands and zoning out in plank position. Other times you’ll find me at Equinox’s yoga class on a Saturday morning. Or maybe I just need those extra 10 minutes in the steam room. If nobody’s in the yoga room, it immediately turns into my own private dance studio. All I can say is that getting out a good sweat is the perfect beginning or end to my day. Equinox has helped keep my energy high, my head clear and focused, and my skin glowing. It’s insane how much a good workout routine has improved all areas of my life. I’ve never felt stronger and more in love with my body now just the way it is.

Tips for a quick workout: 

Yoga stretch (I like to start out in some simple yoga stretches…really lengthening your legs, arms, and neck)

15 minutes jumprope gives you a little sweat and energy.

15 minutes abs floor workout for your core.

15 minutes squats or lunges across the floor (with resistance bands and ball)

5 minutes burpies 

10 minute cool down on elliptical.

Stretch + steam.


// KORAL Activewear tank, bra, and pant, NIKE shoes //




Lucy activewear is taking a whole new route this season, and just came out with a collection of denim-inspired workout wear called the indiGO collection. As a long lived denim lover, this is exciting. But it also strikes up a fashion challenge. Can denim and athleisure really work on the street? Well, I took the challenge and did exactly that, styling up two of my favorite Lucy pants. They are my new favorite pieces for running errands around my neighborhood, but I also love rocking them at the gym or in my yoga class. I love how multi-dimensional they are, because I can wear them literally anywhere. Drinks after my workout? I don’t need to change! Shopping before pilates? I’m all ready to make the dash to class in a hot second. Here are two ways to style these pieces. One more streamlined and casual. The other more edgy and street cool. Which look do you love more? I’m having so fun with my Lucy pieces. See ya later, running to my barre class in them!


// Featuring Lucy Activewear indiGO flare pant and jogger pant //