Tag Archives: paris


Mulberry England does lady like chic, with a modern twist unlike anyone else. The quality in this perfect blue suit is beyond. I wore this out for a gorgeously romantic night out at this season’s Paris Fashion Week. I have been pretty non-stop this season. NYFW -> PFW -> Montreal and now back for my second collection launch tomorrow here in NYC. One more week until Dubai. PHEW. It wasn’t until I landed in Paris that I felt a tingle of winter hit my face. The cold is a’ coming and I’m switching out my summer wardrobe with my favorites for fall. Right now, I’m really into sets. They’re easy, super elegant, and perfect to travel with. I can always count on a set to become 4 outfits with a few extra tops and bottoms. There’s something about Paris that brings out that lady like fashion sense in me. I like seeing a little prim and proper look on a totally rebellious cool girl. Just forget brushing your hair out and grab your fanciest shoes.

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I am giving you the very first look at Cartier‘s new bag. It’s so fresh and exclusive that it still hasn’t been named. Can you believe it? So we’ll just have to call it the NEW BAG for right now. It’s a new twist on the iconic Cartier jewelry box design. A luxurious deep red with an intricate gold design. I was in Paris Fashion Week with the Cartier team specifically for this super special launch. I was stunned to see the Cartier groomsmen come to our hotel room at Hotel de Crillon with a beautiful red box in hand! Dylana and I couldn’t help but giggle seeing the handsome groomsmen bouncing from room to room delivering the goodies to the team. They surprised me with a custom initialed bag. So delicate and elegant, I couldn’t help but stop and stare. Things like this only happen in Paris right? I immediately started playing dress up in our room in anticipation of this exciting and exclusive launch. I felt it went perfectly with a giant dotted gown and pale pink lip. I can always count on Cartier to make me feel like the woman I want to be.

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The view from the rooftop restaurant at Terrass Hotel is insane. Dylana and I had a luxurious night in Paris with pasta, wine, and a stunning view of the Eiffel Tower. Montmarte is a special place. I am blown away whenever I stroll through this part of town, especially by night. For my last night in Paris, I kept things as comfortable as possible. Think a silk pajama-esque shirt and pant with a fun play on layering. This is a uniform I could live in. Silk has been my fabric of choice for as long as I can remember. I could certainly use this for my 9am calletime tomorrow. I’m keeping things quick and short tonight as I’ve got a really long week ahead! I love that it’s possible to wear out what you wore to bed the previous night, don’t you agree?

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The sweatshirt just got majorly elevated thanks to a new designer I love: Maggie Marilyn. Check out these finger length sleeves of my sweatshirt draping casually and a bit messily over a most decadent ruffled skirt (that is actually a dress!), also by the brand. I slipped on a pair of Christian Louboutin heels to complete the look because Paris Fashion Week makes me want to go that little extra mile when it comes to luxury. Red bottoms for the win! Now this is a look that I want to get up and go do things in. And trust me, Team Suarez has been doing a lot lately. We never stop! It’s come to a point where I have to pencil in the normal stuff like dinner with friends and simply attending a workout class. And trust me, I always make time for the normal stuff because it’s the best part of my day. Every one of my days is different and it seems every one of my hours has a “schedule” and sometimes I just want to click the pause button. There are weeks where I could be living in a hotel in a new city, or here in home base of NYC…early mornings checking emails, afternoons shooting, followed by evening meetings and press events. Team Suarez has been extra busy lately, but never busy enough for what’s important to feel on top of our game.

I’ve been spending my “off duty” time finding my balance, feeling clarified and more centered. I’m beginning to become more free and less “planned” when it comes to getting dressed and shooting looks. The more my business grows, the more responsibilities I take on. Getting dressed and shooting and being a part of the creative process suddenly becomes the fun and easy part of my job. With being back home, I love finally being back in my routine of desk time, fitness time, boyfriend time, and friend time. I love to go, go, go yet sometimes wish I didn’t have to always check my clock. With that, I’ve really become more aware of how I can add a little more wellness into all parts of my life so that I can feel balanced, strong, and mentally inspired. With what I do, self-care is more important than anything. I like trying new things and seeing how it has a positive impact on my daily life: think more family time, vitamin boosters in my smoothies, and that extra hour of sleep. It’s the little things that keep me going to feel good….giving me the energy to accomplish so much more on the daily. Now, I can’t wait to hit the snooze button for a hot second. But let’s get one thing off the agenda, what am I going to wear tomorrow?

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