Halloween is just around the corner and I am beyond excited. I’m already stocking up on Twizzlers, Tootsie Rolls, and Sour Patch Kids. These have been my childhood favorites, and they still are. Anything super chewy and I’m immediately obsessed. Even with my intense sour tooth, my parents made the health of my teeth super important. I floss my teeth every single night and brush after every meal. Crest has always been my family’s toothpaste of choice. I have to thank them for my smile. Thank you Mom and Dad for caring and taking the time to sit me down, and tell me why it’s so important to spend extra care of my teeth, and not just around Halloween, but every single day. Thank you for still sending me home after the holidays with extra boxes of Crest in my suitcase. Thank you for all of the extra Oral-B toothbrushes you leave under my sink.
I think it will be extra fun to sneak in some Crest toothpastes into some of my trick-or-treaters pillow cases this weekend. I think it’s a good reminder to protect your smile. It’s true that our health starts with what we put in our mouths and how we take care of it. I’ve had multiple visits to the dentist that scared me, or effected my travel schedule or made me have to take a day off work. Even I need that constant reminder to go the extra mile when it comes to taking care of my teeth. With Crest, I know I’m covered and that I can live my life to the fullest with confidence.
Today I’m going to be tempted to dig my hands in a bowl of candy, and I know the parents reading this sure are too. I found it funny reading the latest Crest Halloween Survey. Here are some fun facts from the survey:
-most people (73%) buy more candy than they need for Halloween just so they can eat the extra.
I definitely remember my Dad doing this. The Value Size M&M’s happen to still be his favorite.
-Only 48% of adults enforce a stricter teeth brushing/flossing routine on Halloween for themselves. However, 70% parents enforce stricter teeth brushing/routines on Halloween for their children.
Nobody likes having candy stuck in-between their teeth on Halloween night! I think that icky feeling after eating a bag of candy reminds us adults to do a good brush!
-Seven in 10 parents enforce a stricter teeth brushing and flossing routine on Halloween, and 41% compensate for Halloween candy by serving a healthier dinner on the holiday itself or the next night.
It’s all about balance isn’t it?
-Four in 10 adults say they enjoy the holiday even more now than when they were a child. For 37% of these adults, the reason why is because there’s no limit on the amount of candy they can consume
Yep, there’s nobody to tell us no!
So today’s post is dedicated to taking care of your teeth for a healthier smile. Don’t go too crazy this Halloween and remember to use your Crest!
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