Monthly Archives: December 2012


Nose to the Books
I don’t know why my favorite editorials revolve around blunt bags and images that could have been taken out of my dad’s old yearbook. For some reason, I miss that school girl look. The clean sweaters, the oversize plaid skirts and loafers. It’s a look that’ll never go out of style. And I’m slowing hitting the bookshelves again. Just picked up “Just Kids” by Patti Smith at Strand bookstore and I’m loving it. After the craziness last night at our factory party, I think all I want to do is sit down with a good book before moving on with the rest of the week. Photos by Alasdair Mclellan. 
See and shop my latest inspirations on my Polyvore.

For Relief

For me, I have to have a classic pair of high waisted skinnies with me, wherever I travel. They go with everything, and honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without them. I’ve been living in them, a rock tee, and some serious plaid. Too much is going through my head to think about clothes at the moment!Tonight is our huge shoe event at the factory and I’m beyond stoked! We even have some readers flying in just for the event, people that rsvp’d just in time to make the list! So many surprises are in store tonight that I cannot wait to share. So much has happened just this year, and I feel so lucky and thankful. Even through the crazy Sandy disaster, everything turned out to be okay. My apartment luckily was untouched, but my boyfriend’s place, being on the 40th floor, was out of power and water…and we literally climbed those flights of stairs up and down about 6 times. My legs were shaking by the end of it. Still, many here on the east coast are suffering…have lost their homes…and the memories that came with it.

 That’s why this week is special, this staple in my closet, the Hudson “Nico” high rise skinny jean, is 20% off…oh and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross for Hurricane Sandy Relief! Shop Now!

Thank you all so so much for the support in everything I do, I couldn’t be more thankful. 

An MV Holiday Film

Photography and Film by Kelsea Kosko

It’s holiday time around here at the Modern Vice factory…and yes, many of our shoes in our JETT line are hitting stores (Cloak & Dagger in the city) and our huge party in the showroom/factory is happening on Tuesday. I’m so excited to see everyone I know all in one place. And what I can’t believe? We even have a few fans who are flying in, and just for our event! These little things make everything we do worthwhile. And here, we’ve taken one of our favorite photographers, Kelsea, and went a different route for our holiday video…a bit dark, edgy, and mysterious. The MV girl is so many things..bohemian rock n’ roll one day, tomboy, and feminine…and she’s one mystical creature. All of these things make our entire MV collection, designed by me, my sister Dylana, and the Adoni brothers, all the more perfect. The “Natalie + Dylana Suarez x Modern Vice” JETT collection has quickly become the only boots I wear. 
Take a peek at our video! This time, it’s an MV holiday! Introducing the JETT JODPHUR.

Featuring: Chaser fur coat/velvet blouse/sparkle tank, James Jeans, Element skirt, Vintage dress

Pick me Up

photography by kelsea kosko

I wish I lived in the 70’s, where bangs ruled, and the higher your trousers, the better. Kelsea Kosko took me into her studio, and we went back in time. These are just outtakes to what we were really shooting, and so, I can do whatever I want with them. Each piece happens to be my own, and what I’ve been living in all week. This Lauren Moffat silk blouse and bow-tie. Minkpink denim flares. Striped turtleneck I found at GAP. Gypsy Junkies overalls that slip off my shoulders. 4 pieces I’ll wear to the bone. 

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