Monthly Archives: January 2016



With so much work, followed by a very relaxing much-needed holiday break (I think I’ve had one too many beach days spent reading the newspaper front to back), I realized that wow, there are so many more stories from my travels that I haven’t had a chance to get up here yet. Like SEOUL…searching, and with my two best babes, Dylana and Ashley. Our fashion week adventures in Seoul, South Korea were a definite highlight of 2015. Being in Asia is just such a ride. From the 14 hour flight to the 14 hour flight home. So long, but so worth it. Who would have thought we were only 1 hour away from Tokyo?! That’s on my 2016 must-see destinations.

Anyways here a few of my favorite SEOUL moments: 

-At Seoul Fashion Week, we were greeted by so many adorable kid streetstyle stars clad in beanies, mini denim jackets, and of course, their very stylish mothers. Yes, a toddler grabbed my cell phone to take a selfie of us. So cute.

-The rows and rows of cheeky Korean skincare stores around DDP. I was this close to purchasing the panda face masks. Yep, they sell sheet masks that legit make you look like one giant panda. They’d have been perfect for those funny Snapchats to send to pals. I didn’t have too much time to shop thought their 5 story high malls were brilliant. I went straight for the skincare.

-The berets. They were everywhere that my friends and I stocked up on a few good ones to take back to the States. Get a beret and maybe a cool pair of faux fur sneakers. Weirder the better.

Insadong: The oldest part of Seoul, with beautiful traditional wood homes, and little Mom and Pop boutiques. A close walk to Gyongbukgong Palace. You can also discover a lot of local, traditional art here!

-The karaoke. Koreans LOVE to party. And they’re fantastic at it. You’ve been warned that your host will certainly have a few bottles of soju lying around, and whiskey on the rocks in your hands at all times. Cheers accordingly before blasting out the Britney Spears tunes. I don’t think we went a day without listening to Gangnam Style.

-The FOOD. My daily fuel was the classic beef bulgogi. So good, and definitely hits the spot when you’re on the constant go. For nights with our crew, we went for classic Korean BBQ….be prepared to have your clothes smell of kimchi and spices on the way home. But our breakfasts were more insane. We always began our days with one (or two) bowls of pho at The Shilla. Pho for breakfast. Crazy, but the best thing ever made. Also a proven hangover cure (thank me later). I’ve never experienced such a killer breakfast buffet, but The Shilla, was one of my favorite 5 star hotels I’ve had the pleasure of staying at. It was hard picking between the eggs and chicken chow mein versus a classic French baguette. Decisions, decisions.

Speaking of which, the new year has brought in a ton of decision making for me! 2016 means moving into my NEW HOME in NYC (more on that soon!), traveling the world (next stop is Florence, Italia next week), and a ton of killer creative, “think outside the box” projects. I’ve never felt more me in a really long time. A girl has got to know what she wants before she gets it. Let’s crush it this year babes!! We can do it!


// Vintage silk top and suede skirt, Gucci bamboo tote, Puma x Rihanna sneakers, Sabrina SL leather choker //