Tag Archives: Ana Luisa Jewelry


// Ana Luisa earrings, Ana Luisa necklace, Ronny Kobo dress //

I never leave the house without a pair of earrings or a necklace on. I like that feeling of having something subtle that immediately feels glamorous as soon as I put it on. My latest obsession is Ana Luisa jewelry’s marble earrings and pearl necklace. This NYC label is all about using high quality materials along with responsible production. These individually painted earrings feel both retro and artistic, a perfect compliment to a red hot patent leather dress like this one. It is currently the necklace that I never take off. It feels very personal to me. And it also feels very 80’s. The 80’s were all about boldness. In all 80’s movie, when is there not anyone rocking it on the dance floor? I like taking pieces of this and making them my own. My own personal disco ball.